Thursday, December 8, 2016

Final: Reflective Post

Looking Back at the Semester

 When I stared the semester, and read the syllabus I thought “O-M-Gosh, can I do this?” But then I took a deep breath, pulled up my big girl pants and gave myself a ‘pep talk’ to relax and take things one week at a time. So here I sit, typing my last blog post and I can say I did it! There were weeks that I spent much more than the 7.5- 10 recommended hours of work to get the tasks accomplished, and times where my husband chuckled as I ‘spoke rather harshly’ to my computer (a.k.a. cursing the ‘evil thing’) because it wouldn’t do what I thought it should to complete an assignment.

All that said, I’m sitting here now reviewing the learning out comes detailed in the syllabus. Lo and behold I did: ‘evaluate and critique various software and hardware tools’; ‘evaluate and critique legal and ethical issues for using technology’; ‘create a portfolio with samples reflecting ways technology can support…’; ‘analyze and summarize the features of applicable websites…’ and ‘analyze and evaluate a selection of technological tools for assisting students who are English Language Learners’. And I tried, but sort of missed the mark a bit with ‘analyze and evaluate a selection of technological tools for assisting students with special and/or diverse needs’ (Coleman, syllabus pp.2-3).

Learning Outcomes Accomplished - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

While I took this class online because I was planning to be traveling mid-way through the semester and didn’t want to miss any classes, I know this is ‘exclusively’ and online course.  For me personally I would have appreciated having a ‘physical class’ perhaps every couple of weeks to explain things like the various Web 2.0 tools (which often just confused the heck out of me), or just to allow students to ask questions. Sure, e-mail is there and the Professor was awesome and timely about getting back to me, but there were still subtleties that I misunderstood.  I am more of an auditory learner and that coupled with being a relative ‘baby’ in terms of tech savvy made for some confusion. 

The two collaborative projects (the Wiki and Lesson Plan) as well as the discussion boards were a lot of fun. Even though at the outset I had some apprehensions about the collaborative projects, I found that my concerns were unfounded and all the classmates I was grouped with were wonderful. But again, just me being a social creature, I prefer ‘live’ discussions. This being an online format, the discussion boards were a required means to an end and were not as fulfilling to me. (But that is not an insult to either my teacher or any classmates.)

As the semester winds down and I reflect on reading throughout our textbook about all the ways technology can enhance a student’s learning, I want to be out there on the front line leading the way and wearing the super-teacher cape. Then I read the insightful critique from my professor who reminds me that I didn’t ‘get’ the point of web quest is to direct the students, not give instructions to the teacher, and I realize it’s a process, but I’m also eager to learn from my mistakes so that I can do better next time.


Coleman, M. (2011, September 20). EME 2040 Syllabus. In Florida Southwestern State College. Retrieved December 8, 2016, from

"Just Do It" Motivational Speech (Original Video) [Video file]. (2015, August 15). In YouTube. Retrieved December 8, 2016, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. 

Woolf, R. (8 December, 2016). Slide Presentation. Created with use of

Woolf, R. (8 December, 2016). Blog Presentation. Created with use of

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Digital Blog Post #J


In reading Chapter 11 in our text some interesting topics were presented and really gave some great ‘food for thought’.

The first concept was the role of assessment tools in schools and how they can be useful for teachers as well as the students. The idea that ‘things’ like students’ writing, projects both separate and working as a group, homework assignments, presentations, student self-assessments, and teacher observations more so than just written tests being the calculations of how a student is learning and progressing. As I am journeying toward ultimately becoming the teacher I want to be, I am learning and understanding not only how to be a benefit to my future students, but in the process I’m still learning about teaching methods, classroom management strategies and even about the academic subjects I will one day teach. When I become that teacher, assessment tools will help me determine how and if my students are learning, and how changing my approach may help be more effective for more students. Furthermore assessment tools can help my students participate in how I’m ‘grading’ them and be an active participant in the assessment. This one made me think of the recent lesson plan assignment we completed and how our group’s lesson plan involved having the students create a digital presentation to explain the basic concepts behind one of three social movements. This called for the students to ‘understand’ so that they could ‘explain’ to others. It acted out one of the very concepts here, and showed that the presentation gave students participation in their own learning assessment.

The second concept was the idea of using a digital portfolio, for both my own use as I move toward teaching an again as part of a valuable tool for my students once I get there. While the actual knowledge of ‘how to’ that this will require does give me pause, I can see the benefits that will far out way this hurdle I face. I have often thought the idea of a virtual interview or at least ‘highlight’ my qualifications for a job,  in the same way it could be a useful way for me as the teacher to ‘see’ how much my students are learning and growing. The book detailed advantages and disadvantages to this type of tool, but again, I see the advantages outweighing the disadvantages given that proper guidance and direction are used in the creation of this tool. As with so many other options for teaching, learning and developing in life as a whole, if balance is properly applied instead of an ‘all or nothing’ approach.

Made with Padlet

And as this week has been largely focused, in the new media at least, on the upcoming election, I thought it appropriate that the final concept is that of ‘Democratic Schools and Classrooms’. The thought that the book mentioned of how so often the students involved in the learning are the last to be included in the learning process is somewhat of a ‘duh’ idea and yet one that, by the same token, should be employed. It does seem fitting that if our students are the ones we are trying to reach then they should be ‘in’ on the process so that they share in ownership and are empowered to do their best. Now clearly there would be some guidelines and curriculum requirements, but where there are those ‘gray areas’ of ‘how to’ or other basic choices, give students that ability. I would love to be in that minority the book mentions in which teachers are taking the initiative to work with students’ input to run classrooms and are discovering ways to allow this to function within the conventional school organization.
This chapter once again chocked full of exciting avenues to learn methodologies and technologies to transform teaching into a truly a twenty-first century adventure.



Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Woolf, R.  (6 November, 2016). Portfolio, Chapter 11 Concept. Created with

Woolf, R. (6 November, 2016). Democracy toon. Created with use of

Woolf, R. (6 November, 2016). Word Cloud. Created with use of



Sunday, October 23, 2016

Digital Blog Post #H

As I began Chapter Ten, I totally saw myself in the teacher Dan that the introduction spoke of. And so as I pondered what concepts I could pull from this chapter I decided to begin with Dan.

The first concept of how best to teach both the class as a whole, as well as any number of diverse differences that may arise, from  among others, language, disability, learning styles, WOW!! It seems like a monumental task, but as I read and study, I remember that the reason I am here now, is that I do want to teach, and being a teacher doesn’t just mean throwing random information out there and hope that my students can grasp it. It takes time to balance how best to provide what works for most, with what also helps those who may not learn as quickly and easily and others. I chose to think that even as I study today, and sometimes feel overwhelmed, that technology from many different sources (perhaps not yet even invented) is the best option to afford my future students as well as my own triumph.

Technology - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;

The second concept I chose from this chapter was how Differentiated Instruction (DI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) may be very different things but really do work well together.  DI is a methodology to help students one on one so that their learning experiences while different, provide them with maximum potential for the same success as their peers. UDL is an idea to provide for all students the best outcomes, and yet within that plan not lessen anyone else’s chances. Working for the good of all, but recognizing that there are many ways to achieve the same success.

The third concept I chose was the concept was the idea that even though technology can work to provide great outcomes and adaptations, the tools can be low-tech, mid-tech or high-tech. By this we could use the least amount needed as we work to help students through accommodation and not modification. I can also mean that teachers like myself, who were born before technology was a common everyday item, may still help our future students and even learn right along with them and perhaps help them to see that learning and growing are lifelong adventures and nothing to be self-conscious about.

This chapter offered many types of ideas for technology use. From interactive and international newspapers and maps, multilingual web sources, whiteboards, spellers, dictionaries and other writing tools, calculators and other math applications the world is truly expanding the abilities of twenty-first century teachers.  

 Resources Used:
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Woolf, R. (22 October, 2016). Word Cloud. Created with use of
Woolf, R. (22 October, 2016). Slide Presentation. Created with use of
Woolf, R. (22 October, 2016). Digital creation. Created with use of

Monday, October 17, 2016

Digital Blog Post #G

Ok, so once again this week my reality is meeting the expectations of being a 21st century teacher. As I read over this Chapter 9 and saw where some of the points are pushing in technology where ‘back in the day’ I learned lessons, and very well, without technology.

The first concept that spoke to me this week was the one of Comparing Minimal and Multimedia Classroom technologies. The table on page 219 talking about the differences in Instructional technology in the classroom. As I read the Non-computer technology classroom, I chuckled, because very much that is the classroom I grew up in. The computer technology classroom is the one I often now sit it….given that it’s not online, and it will be what I hope to have in my classroom once my degree is complete. It does send shivers of slight fear down my spine, to think about it, I must admit.
Canva created by R. Woolf

The second concept that spoke to me was the Tech 9.2 box on page 227. It spoke of Streaming video Resources for Teachers It discussed about eight different ways to incorporate and find video resources for classrooms.  While I think these resources could and will be helpful, I guess I worry that all too often teachers are seeking out these video sources and using them as substitutes for real, active teaching. I come from the perspective that we did not have such advanced technology in the classroom and teachers lectured or used tools that provided student/teacher interaction or student/student interaction. ‘Movies’ were only used once in a while when a concept fit with the classwork. On the other side of that spectrum, last spring I took an Intro to Psychology class and all we did was watch videos. The professor implied that this was the type of learning the students preferred, I was bored out of my brain and saw it for what it was, his laziness. I’m not anti-technology, but as the book indicates on page 226 as teachers we need to have ‘strategies for using videos with students’, and there needs to be a balance as to when we use  technology.

The third concept, was one that was detailed on page 234, under “Strategies for using Cameras with Students” the first bulleted topic tells to ‘use regularly’. It speaks of how one should use them for filming everyday events, not just special things. I have to say, perhaps I’m not fully grasping this concept, because one of two scenarios passed thru my mind. One is that using the camera is all a student does in class, in which case the second scenario is that the student is so busy using the camera that they aren’t engaged in what is happening in the moment. Technology is a great tool, but if we are so busy using it that we miss experiencing events as they are occurring, then it can become limiting. If these tools are being used as ‘creative devices’ and for student enhancement then I believe it can work well, but when things become too routine they can be seen as a crutch.

I see technology as a an awesome tool that I believe can help my future students go far, however I guess I’m just not as convinced of the abundant necessity to use it just because it’s there. I wouldn’t randomly use a screwdriver or a hammer on every surface of my house just because I own them. There are times and ways to use those items, just as technologies have specific times and ways to be used.  



Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Woolf, R (2016, October 17). Tech Confusion. Created with ToonDoo. screenshot

Woolf, R (2016, October 17). Old School. Created with Canva. screenshot

Friday, September 23, 2016

Digital Blog Post #D - Chapter 5

In reading Chapter Five this week, there were many options that gave me food for thought and reflection, so I reviewed and chose the following three concepts.

The first is ‘Becoming Fluent with Technology’, the initial thing that came to mind before reading this portion was that I think of this in terms of language. But when I reviewed Webster’s dictionary online the secondary description gave more insight for a technological use that being ‘done in a smooth and easy way’, which is certainly what I hope to achieve, one day! Our book spoke about how it’s not really the ‘knowledge’ that we have trouble finding, but just how to understand, analyze and use it in effective and day to day life applications. Just this morning, my husband asked me when we will go back to ‘standard time’, because he was noticing that the sun is rising later and later etc. So I clicked into the search engine on my phone and asked a question. My phone responded with a general description of when in March and then in November time is adjusted. This was because I asked a general question, not specific dates for 2016.  So for me in a sense this was a small ‘Aha’ moment that related right back to this concept in our book. Sure it gave me ‘correct’ information, but in order to find specific dates etc., I need to define that…part of becoming ‘smooth and easy’. As for how that would affect my teaching, I would say that as I model fluency, my students can learn more effectively too.

The second concept that made me really think was the section on ‘Electronic Note-Taking’ which immediately brought some thoughts to my mind and in a sense gave me some pause. When I returned to school in the spring semester, I took four classes, and as such I went out and purchased four paper notebooks, for as the name implies ‘note-taking’. I was a bit surprised that when I arrived in my classes that many of my fellow classmates came in carrying Laptops, etc. and were ‘typing’ notes in as the professors were lecturing and my thought was ‘How can they type and listen at the same time?’. Then it occurred to me that perhaps this was like the stenographer of old (do they still have people who do that job?!?!) but I don’t think the stenographers were trying to ‘learn and absorb information’, just taking notes for later transcription. So how do you absorb enough to learn content?  And that piggybacks on my observation experience for my Intro to Education class, the teacher I was observing was teaching eighth grade US History. At the beginning of class he provided the students with already prepared Cornell Notes, because he said the students were either a) reading below grade level or b) never taught to take effective notes. I know our text pointed out and described several computer technologies and tools for Electronic Note-taking, but it just made me wonder if before employing these electronic systems it might be better to actually teach students skills (like Cornell or others) for better note-taking. That aside, the other side of the electronic ‘argument’, if you will, is that if internet and/or electricity is cut off, how do I study from notes that are ‘locked in cyberspace’? Just a rhetoric question from an old school girl!

The third concept from this chapter that led to some additional pondering on my part is the idea of ‘Cognitive Load’, which our book defines as ‘the way information presented online can either support or restrict understanding and learning by readers and viewers.’ (pg. 116) This is something that as I have used websites, both as a student and just for my personal use, I sometimes find difficult to navigate. I am even more aware of this as I search through websites for this week’s assignment, I feel like I’m living in the children’s story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears…one website is ‘too big’, one website is ‘too little’, finding the ‘just right’ one can be a struggle! As a future teacher I’m hoping that knowledge gained in classes like this one will give me skills and guidance so that create a blended classroom (physical and electronic) to serve the educational needs of all my students.

This chapter was full of juicy tidbits and insights, and if I can improve on my fluency in technology, understanding of electronic note-taking and find useful tools for navigating to the best online educational support, my future students could benefit greatly.



toonie concepts




AVID Site Team (Ed.). (2015). Cornell Notes. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from

Goldilocks and the Three Bears. (2016, September 18). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:12, September 23, 2016, from

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Woolf, R (2016, September 23) Toonie Concepts. Created with TooDoo. embed.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Digital Blog Post #B - Chapter 2

As I began reading Chapter Two this week, unlike in the introduction to last week’s chapter, I did find that I could identify with the representative teacher called Ava.

Ergo it seems appropriate that the first concept I chose this week is ‘Your Innovation and Technology Readiness’.  In some ways I think that technology could enhance my future students learning, but on the other hand, because I did not grow up with technology, in a sense I feel behind the preverbal eight ball. As I looked at the Figure 2.1 on page 26, I would say that I definitely fall between ‘quick to follow proven success’ and ‘cautious observer’ because while I would characterize myself as positive in attitude, I also know where my true comfort levels lie. The idea of heading into an arena of middle schoolers who grew up with technologies I am hearing two phrases in my head. The first, I’m not sure who originally used this is ‘never let them see you sweat’ because we all know you sweat when you’re nervous. And the other line is a quote from the great FDR ‘the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’. I think I’ll go with FDR, overcome my own fear and move forward with technology!

The second concept, in a sense dovetails into the first. That being that in the Tech Tool 2.1 section on page 25, it discussed ‘apps’  for teaching and learning and for History/ Social Studies it described three specific applications which I could see working well into my future classroom. Early Jamestown, Back in Time and The FDR Years, because history is one of those subjects that is exciting, but even more so if in a way, we can ‘bring it to life’. In the literal sense this is not always easy to do, but through computer technologies history can be unearthed. I remember back in my youth making dioramas and traveling to museums to make history ‘real’ but this can be done through various software programs and that is exciting.

The third concept which I grappled with was the idea of ‘Roles for Technology in Teaching’. As I read this part which details the ways and frequency of technology usage and then the obligatory critics of technology in schools thoughts ran amok in my head. In our world today, technology is everywhere except apparently U.S schools, which in a sense struck me as almost laughable, but not quite. Babies, children and young adults are growing up technology savvy, BUT a majority of the school teachers are still of my generation, not born into it and so still ‘playing catch-up’. Yes, I know that is a wide generalization, and I do see that things are moving toward technology as more and more ‘young’ teachers enter the market.

Overall, as with anything ‘new’ we need to continue to implement and learn what the balance is that will provide the best results and continue to engage our students and help them to continue to succeed. 


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Woolf, R. D. (2016, September 11). Digital Blog Post #B. Created with screenshot

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A - Chapter 1

In reading Chapter I in our book, from the beginning of the chapter as we were introduced to Hilary and Anthony, I kept thinking how much farther along these new teachers were than myself, at least in the technology arena. But I enjoy being the student and so I will embrace the technology that I am not yet as familiar with. In that vein the entire chapter gave me ‘food for thought’ and reflection, but I will pick three concepts to discuss.

First concept is the box on pages 6-7 that discusses “Tablets, Smartphones and Laptops” or “Tech Tool 1.1”. I look at this with the same eyes that the teachers of yesteryear might have looked at copiers, film strips, loud speakers, overhead projectors and even back to typewriters and mimeograph machines. These are the ‘new’ tools and will help not only me with preparing to teach the students, but also will help the students as they grasp concepts differently then perhaps I did, and perhaps even different than their peers do.  As I prepare to head into this new career, I need to acclimate myself to the ways in which my students are learning, as our textbook pointed out “using technology is not the same as being knowledgeable about technology…how can teachers best harness students interest …to propel academic learning?”(pg. 3).

This would lead into the second concept which would be for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).  I reviewed: TPACK explained , and found it very helpful because it gave more detail than our text.   Simply put I could be technology smart, but pedagogically challenged, and that would benefit no one. I could learn to use every available technology out there but if I don’t focus on academic essentials, the curriculum content, concepts, facts, theories and disciplines, but there would be no balance.  My primary goal as a teacher needs to be to teach and help my students to become productive members of o our society and of the world at large using whatever skills and/or technology, and perhaps even non-technological at my disposal to enhance the pedagogy.

The third concept that piqued my interest was the ‘Outside-the-classroom use by teachers’. This focused on “grading and attendance, professional correspondence and writing, research, home-school communication and educational networking” (pg.  7) Essentially my support system as I continually work for things like continuing education to better my teaching skills, which would spill over into helping my students have the best educational experiences. In today’s busy world, parents don’t always ‘come in for a conference’ like I did and my parents did, but that doesn’t mean we as teachers won’t be contact with the home situation. I think that even with technology giving way to change, it still does ‘take a village’ to educate a child, even if the village is a virtual one!

Wow, did I say I wanted to be a twenty-first century teacher? Yes, I did and I do, but for this student, the technology part will need the most ‘training’. I am a child of Star Trek (the ORIGINAL series) and The Jetsons. I grew up believing that all that is currently happening would eventually be, but it was not part of my daily existence like it is now and will be for my future students. I look forward to this journey to making my future classroom one that students will enjoy coming into. The following video stated most of what was running through my mind as I pondered the adventure I signed up for when I began reading Chapter I.

Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.