Sunday, November 6, 2016

Digital Blog Post #J


In reading Chapter 11 in our text some interesting topics were presented and really gave some great ‘food for thought’.

The first concept was the role of assessment tools in schools and how they can be useful for teachers as well as the students. The idea that ‘things’ like students’ writing, projects both separate and working as a group, homework assignments, presentations, student self-assessments, and teacher observations more so than just written tests being the calculations of how a student is learning and progressing. As I am journeying toward ultimately becoming the teacher I want to be, I am learning and understanding not only how to be a benefit to my future students, but in the process I’m still learning about teaching methods, classroom management strategies and even about the academic subjects I will one day teach. When I become that teacher, assessment tools will help me determine how and if my students are learning, and how changing my approach may help be more effective for more students. Furthermore assessment tools can help my students participate in how I’m ‘grading’ them and be an active participant in the assessment. This one made me think of the recent lesson plan assignment we completed and how our group’s lesson plan involved having the students create a digital presentation to explain the basic concepts behind one of three social movements. This called for the students to ‘understand’ so that they could ‘explain’ to others. It acted out one of the very concepts here, and showed that the presentation gave students participation in their own learning assessment.

The second concept was the idea of using a digital portfolio, for both my own use as I move toward teaching an again as part of a valuable tool for my students once I get there. While the actual knowledge of ‘how to’ that this will require does give me pause, I can see the benefits that will far out way this hurdle I face. I have often thought the idea of a virtual interview or at least ‘highlight’ my qualifications for a job,  in the same way it could be a useful way for me as the teacher to ‘see’ how much my students are learning and growing. The book detailed advantages and disadvantages to this type of tool, but again, I see the advantages outweighing the disadvantages given that proper guidance and direction are used in the creation of this tool. As with so many other options for teaching, learning and developing in life as a whole, if balance is properly applied instead of an ‘all or nothing’ approach.

Made with Padlet

And as this week has been largely focused, in the new media at least, on the upcoming election, I thought it appropriate that the final concept is that of ‘Democratic Schools and Classrooms’. The thought that the book mentioned of how so often the students involved in the learning are the last to be included in the learning process is somewhat of a ‘duh’ idea and yet one that, by the same token, should be employed. It does seem fitting that if our students are the ones we are trying to reach then they should be ‘in’ on the process so that they share in ownership and are empowered to do their best. Now clearly there would be some guidelines and curriculum requirements, but where there are those ‘gray areas’ of ‘how to’ or other basic choices, give students that ability. I would love to be in that minority the book mentions in which teachers are taking the initiative to work with students’ input to run classrooms and are discovering ways to allow this to function within the conventional school organization.
This chapter once again chocked full of exciting avenues to learn methodologies and technologies to transform teaching into a truly a twenty-first century adventure.



Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Woolf, R.  (6 November, 2016). Portfolio, Chapter 11 Concept. Created with

Woolf, R. (6 November, 2016). Democracy toon. Created with use of

Woolf, R. (6 November, 2016). Word Cloud. Created with use of